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Kontraposaune Consortium 2025
  A New Work for Contrabass Trombone & Piano
Nicole Buetti – Composer
John Ohnstad – Consortium Lead
Consortium Details​

A consortium is when a group of people join together to support a new music project. Consortium members are the first group that can perform the new work and can take pride in the fact that this piece of music would not exist without their contribution!


Thank you for your interest in supporting this project to commission a work for Contrabass Trombone!



To release a work to be used in recitals, juries and performances worldwide. We are looking for this to be a significant addition to repertoire for Contrabass Trombone.



We will dedicate this to Jeffrey Reynolds, Bass and Contrabass Trombonist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic (retired) and an inspiration for generations of musicians.


Details of the Work

Instrumentation: Contrabass Trombone and Piano

3 Movement Work: Discovery, Reflection, Joy

Length: Work to be approximately 10 minutes in length


Consortium Members will Receive:

  • Your name will appear in the sheet music as a consortium member who made this project possible

  • PDF sheet music and audio file emailed to you​ (There will be two midi recordings – one of the work itself, the other of just the piano part.)

  • Exclusive performance rights (piece available to only consortium members) from October 15th 2025 – January 31st 2026.



April 15th, Project Begins

Mid-June, Consortium will get updates on the work

July 14th, Solo to be delivered


Performance Rights

Consortium Leader (John Ohnstad)– Exclusive Performance Rights until October 15th, 2025.


Consortium Members get exclusive performance rights from October 15th through January 31st, 2026.


Composer can publicly publish the work on her website February 1st, 2026.


*John Ohnstad will have exclusivity of performing this work in 2026 at the American Trombone Workshop and at the 2027 International Trombone Festival.


RATES for Consortium Members


Standard Rate - $100/consortium member – Professional Trombonists (non-students)

  • Members can pay the entire fee upfront OR can split this ½ down upon commitment and ½ down before receipt of the work.


​​Supporter/Donor Rate - $35

  • For those who want to support new music but don't intend on performing the piece. Have your name added to the consortium page as a supporter by filling out the donor form below or submit anonymously. (No delivery of sheet music and files).


Bringing Low Instruments Into the Spot Light!

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Thank you for Joining!

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